An Open Source Multi-player Networked Starship Bridge Simulator for Linux
Instructions for creating a Live DVD image to run the game
Warning: These instructions are likely to be out of date (2016-05-30)
Warning: if this trashes your hard drive, you're on your own. This procedure worked for me, but you assume all risk and responsibility for the safety of your data.
These instructions assume you have a Mint 13 linux distro running to create the DVD ISO image. You can use virtualbox and install linux Mint 13 on the virtual machine to make the ISO, then when you're done, you can trash the virtual machine. Linux Mint 13 ISO can be found here: http://www.linuxmint.com/oldreleases.php
Install the package "mintconstructor" from the repositories sudo apt-get install mintconstructor Open a terminal Type sudo /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintConstructor/mintConstructor.py In the mintconstructor window that opens: In the "Directory" field, choose a directory for the ISO (use a new directory with nothing in it for this) Make sure to select the "New project" radio option Click the browse button on the right of the "ISO file" field and point it to your ISO file (in my case I used linuxmint-13-cinnamon-dvd-32bit.iso from here: http://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=105 Click "Next" and then "Yes" to confirm. Wait for it to do its thing for a bit, then click the button it presents to open a chrooted environment (it opens an xterm). In the xterm: apt-get install build-essential apt-get install portaudio19-dev apt-get install libvorbis-dev apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev apt-get install git apt-get install stgit apt-get install openscad apt-get install libgtkglext1-dev apt-get install liblua5.2-dev apt-get install libglew1.5-dev(hope I didn't miss any packages -- if you find I did, let me know.)If the openscad package isn't around, you can get it from here:
http://www.openscad.org/downloads.htmland then from outside the chrooted environment, copy openscad-2013.0.x86-32.tar.gz into your chroot directory/rootThen, back in the chrooted xterm:
cd /root tar xzvf openscad-2013.01.x86-32.tar.gz cd openscad-2013.01/ ./install.sh cd .. git clone https://github.com/smcameron/space-nerds-in-space.git cd space-nerds-in-space/ make(now Space Nerds in Space has been built within the chrooted env.)
Once you're finished making modifications, make sure to clean up with the following commands:
Now clean up the chrooted env (and yes aptitude takes the weird tilde options for some reason):
aptitude purge ~c aptitude unmarkauto ~M apt-get clean; rm -rf /var/cache/debconf/*.dat-old; rm -rf /var/lib/aptitude/*.old; rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/*-old; rm -rf /var/cache/apt/*.bin; updatedb history -c rm /root/.bash_history rm /root/.nano_history history -c exit(xterm will close)
Click Next
Give your ISO a description (which will be embedded as the name of the CD or USB stick onto which the ISO is burnt) Don't pick too long of a name though because if you do, it won't work.
Click Next
Iso image will be made
Then to run the game, burn the iso to dvd several times, and boot up all your machines from dvd.
Open up a terminal, type "sudo su -" (no password -- it's a live dvd)
Then, cd to space-nerds-in-space
Has to be root because we installed spacenerds in space into /root/space-nerds-in-space above when making the dvd -- this could be worked around by chowning it all to user "mint", perhaps putting it someplace else before making he ISO image, but I don't have the exact instructions to do that, and didn't think to do it,but if you're paranoid, you probably want to think about that.
Repeat for several machines on your lan, say, five of them or so.
On one machine that is connected to a projector, note the IP address: (run ifconfig to figure this out.)
Then start the snis client:
From there, start the lobby server on localhost, start the gameserver, connect to lobby, and connect to the gameserver.
Note the shipname and password you use (make up what you want).
On the remaining machines, start snis_client, replace the lobby host "localhost" with the ip address noted above, fill in only the shipname and password as above, and connect to the lobby, then to the gameserver. You can be choosy about the 'roles' for each station at this point, but you don't have to.
That's it.
btw, prior to making live dvd iso's and burning a bunch of dvds, we tried to run the game in linux installed to virtual machines on the windows boxes -- that didn't work out so well, performance was kind of crap for whatever reason. With the dvds, performance was fine at least for the few minutes the network was working. They were relatively low performance, inexpensive USB flash drives though.
The code is licensed under the GPL v. 2, or at your option, any later version. Audio files have various other licenses, typically some variant of a Creative Commons license.